I got my amateur radio license in January 2004 at age 17, with the call sign
Since then I have been occasionally active on the shortwave amateur bands,
almost exclusively using CW (i.e. morse code telegraphy), generally using
between 2 and 25 watts of output power. These days I am using only QRP (5
watts or less). I am a member of the
GQRP club as well as the
Swedish amateur radio association (SSA).
QSL info
I prefer paper QSL cards via bureau. By default I send a QSL card, if the
other station accepts one.
I do not currently use LoTW, eQSL, or similar services.
Equipment at SM0YSR
My station has a mix of commercial and homebrew equipment.
- Antenna system: I use a 7x6 meter horizontal rectangular loop made of
0.3 mm (32 AWG) enameled copper wire stretched around the perimeter of our
attic, connected to the shack via 300 ohm window line. In early 2025 I
replaced my old tuner (initially T match, later Z match) built on a discarded
wooden breadboard, with a much less bulky QRP Z-match. This matches all bands
from 80 to 10 meters, although below 40 meters the antenna is too small to be
of much use (pictures: inside,
the whole station,
and from above).
There is also a description of my previous
antenna system.
- QMX+ transceiver, which gives 3-6 watts depending on the band at 12V in
(or about 1 watt at 7V). Apart from some firmware bugs, this is a great rig,
and as soon as I had it up and running I packed down my Yaesu FT-450D
- Howes 80m CW transceiver, modified to use a
2N7000 class C final after the original broke down. It uses a simple direct
conversion receiver, has a manual transmit/receive switth, and has an output
power of about 2 watts.
- 30m QCX transceiver using the cardboard box the
components were shipped in as an enclosure. Output power is 1 to 4 watts,
depending on input voltage.
miniature paddles. These are great for both portable and home use.
- Homemade single-paddle key using a short length of
1mm bare copper wire and two copper nails. Stability is provided by the
sealed lead-acid battery in the background. Not ideal, but it works well enough
that I used it for several years until buying the GM0EUL paddle.
- The straight key I use for most of my
contacts. Field model of unknown origin.
List of radio-related projects
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